Sign up for Spring Classes available at our Ethno Campus!
HIST 10: Ethno History
This course examines the history of the territory, Ethnostate, and the political, cultural, and economic forces that led to its triumphant creation.
PHIL 10; HIST 20: Spencerology
Philosophy 10 (cross registered as History 20) investigates the biography of Ethnostate founder, Supreme Richard Spencer I. Texts include his autobiography, White is Right, and his seminal The Great Erasure: The Reconstruction of White Identity. The class will discuss Spencer`s views on ethno-nationalism, women, homosexuality, and healthcare.
HIST 30, ENG15: Wall Construction
History 30 (cross registered as Engineering 15) looks at both the history of the barriers that protect Ethnostate from outside influence and harm, and also analyzes the spectacular feat of its construction including prototyopes from various iterations built in the last half century across the southern border of the former United States.
BIO 10: Alternative Science
Biology 10 examines Greenhouse gasses; Melting polar caps; raising sea temperatures; carbon emissions; methane pollution; chlorofluorocarbons; “toxic” waste into watershed; and other fabrications of the Climate Alarmist movement.
SOC 10: Alternative Facts
Sociology 10 centers around Madam Kellyanne Conway`s brilliany 2017 assertion to look at two sides of a fact. Her dedication to the Cause made her a Founding Mother of the Seperationist movement. We will review her tweets, posts, speeches, and public appearances to learn how to arrive at the correct truth. Texts include What Women Really Want and Winning at All Personal Cost.